Placing your property on the market, especially if it is a first home, can be incredibly daunting. In addition to the extensive paperwork and negotiations that must take place, there is the hurdle of finances. It is in the interest of every homeowner to ensure that their property delivers the best possible return on investment.
While much of this potential return is estimated by the strength of the market, as well as valuations from estate agents and experts, there are a number of ways in which a homeowner can improve their property’s performance, ensuring not only an efficient sale but also one that achieves the best possible offers from potential buyers.
All Things Neutral
When it comes to neutrality, many concern themselves with colour tones and designs, which is a worthy endeavour. By shying away from bold and even outlandish designs, properties are more likely to appeal to a wider audience and, therefore, perform better on the market.
However, neutrality also extends to the personality of a property and it benefits residents to remove as many personal artefacts, such as family photographs, as possible.
Clean Spaces
Living spaces should be immaculate before being shown to potential buyers. This will, of course, ensure that your home is in its best possible condition, while also helping to make it appear more welcoming, being free from the aromas of pets and any potentially embarrassing mess.
Statement Designs
Stand-out and memorable designs are a remarkable asset to properties on the market. Homes that host features such as jacuzzis, log cabins, or open-plan living spaces are among those that consistently rank highly among buyers. In addition to adding extra value to a property, they also help it to stand out from other homes in the area too.
Lighting The Stage
Most interior designers will describe lighting as the fundamental feature of property design. Homes that are poorly lit will look unappealing even with stylish designs. As such, those placing their property on the market should invest in suitable lighting, while also making efforts to welcome as much natural light into a property as possible, especially when welcoming others to look around a living space.
Conceal And Store
Alongside cleaning, decluttering is the most important action a property owner should take before putting their home on the market. Furniture and decor can be valuable but it is space that remains most important to buyers.
As such, living spaces should be stripped down as much as possible, demonstrating their utility but without clutter, allowing for buyers to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. Utilise storage to achieve a decluttered look as this will also demonstrate the home’s potential capacity too.
The First Impression
As with people, the first impression of a property matters. Kerb appeal is crucial and is often what estate agents describe as the most important feature of a home on the market. Focus on features such as a home’s exterior, especially its paint quality andcolour.